آخر المواضيع

آخر الأخبار


I miss you, I love you–فى منتهى الرومانسية ..؟


This has not been easy
this has been hard
I am scarred
and I do not know what to do with you.
go inside, kiss your mouth with my lips
grab your hips, cant remember why i fell in love with this.
but i miss you, i love you
its a shame you cant stay away from me this time cause oh no
you beg me you ask me to kiss you and hug you
you wont be getting my affection again cause oh no
i dont need you tonight
Who do you think you are?
No one cares about a name without a face,
so dont go shooting up the place
make no mistake the loves not real
cause the love that i got is deeper so much deeper than you could ever feel
but i miss you, i love you
its a shame you cant stay away from me this time cause oh no
you beg me you ask me to kiss you and hug you
you wont be getting my affection again cause oh no
i dont need you tonight
it was really nice to know you
but, theres nothing left to show you
i got bills to pay get out the way its time to move on
and even with your boyfriend, will never be the same again
Discuss me over cigarettes and say to him...
i miss you, i love you
its a shame you cant stay away from me this time cause oh no
you beg me you ask me
to kiss you and hug you
you wont be getting my affection again
cause oh no, i dont need you
and i miss you, i love you
its a shame you cant stay away from me this time cause oh no
you beg me, you ask me to
to kiss you and hug you
you wont be getting my affection again
cause oh no, I dont need you tonight


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إرسال تعليق

اهلا بكم فى مدونة افتكاسات .من فضلك اكتب تعليقك مع مراعاه ان من الممكن السيدات والانسات يروا التعليق من فضلك اجعلة مناسب .. بدون الفاظ ... وشكرا لكم ... هشام حسنى

موضوعات عشوائية



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من نحن

author ‏مدونة اخبارية تهتم بالتوثيق لثورة 25 يناير.الحقيقة.مازلت اسعى لنقلها كاملة بلا نقصان .اخطئ لكنى منحاز لها .لايعنينى سلفى ولا مسلم ولا اخوان يعنينى الانسان،
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