آخر المواضيع

آخر الأخبار


لوحات : الرسام توماس غينسبورو (برطانيا ..1727-1788)

Homage to Gainsborough by Robert McIntosh

The Harvest Wagon by Thomas Gainsborough

The Mall in St. James's Park by Thomas Gainsborough

View Near King's Bromley-on-Trent, Staffordshire

Painting with Landscape with Shepherd by Thomas Gainsborough

Margaret and Mary Gainsborough by Thomas Gainsborough

The Marsham Children by Thomas Gainsborough

The Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of a Lady in Blue by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of George III by Thomas Gainsborough

Jan Van der Woover by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of the Artist's Daughters by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of the Singer Tenducci by Thomas Gainsborough

The Marsham Children by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Linley (Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan) by Thomas Gainsborough

John Palmer by Thomas Gainsborough

Lady Rodney by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of John, 2nd, Earl of Buckinghamshire by Thomas Gainsborough

Count Rumford by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of the Artist, Bust Length in a Green Coat and White Stock by Thomas Gainsborough

Portrait of Miss Evans by Thomas Gainsborough

Miss Montagu by Thomas Gainsborough

Karl Friedrich Abel by Thomas Gainsborough

Mrs. Henry Beaufoy by Thomas GainsboroughJuliana, Lady Petre

Mrs. Henry Fane by Thomas Gainsborough

Sarah, Lady Innes by Thomas Gainsborough

Mrs. Charles Hatchett by Thomas Gainsborough

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اهلا بكم فى مدونة افتكاسات .من فضلك اكتب تعليقك مع مراعاه ان من الممكن السيدات والانسات يروا التعليق من فضلك اجعلة مناسب .. بدون الفاظ ... وشكرا لكم ... هشام حسنى





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من نحن

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