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صور: شاهد حجم الأضرار الجسيمة التي أحدثها التفجير الإرهابي بجوار مسجد العنود

A policeman carries out an inspection after a car exploded near the Shi'ite al-Anoud mosque mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam May 29, 2015. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing that killed four people at the Shi'ite Muslim mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia on Friday, the second attack claimed by the Sunni militant group in a week in the world's top oil-exporting country. The Interior Ministry said a car exploded outside the mosque in Dammam during noon prayers on Friday, while witnesses said a suicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up in the mosque's parking lot when guards stopped him from entering. The ministry said four people were killed in the blast, which set several cars ablaze.    REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser
أظهرت عدة صور بعدما تمكنت الجهات الأمنية السعودية من إحباط محاولة تنفيذ عملية إرهابية انتحارية، تستهدف المصلين في جامع العنود في مدينة الدمام،  حجم الدمار الذي خلفها الانفجار ونتج عنها مقتل وإصابة 8 أشخاص،واضرارنتج عنها إحراق السيارات في مواقف الجامع.
وكان المتحدث الأمني لوزارة الداخلية قد صرح بأن الجهات الأمنية تمكنت بفضل الله وتوفيقه من إحباط محاولة تنفيذ جريمة إرهابية لاستهداف المصلين بجامع العنود بمدينة الدمام وذلك أثناء أداءهم لصلاة الجمعة، حيث تمكن رجال الأمن من الاشتباه بسيارة عند توجهها لمواقف السيارات المجاورة للمسجد وعن توجههم إليها وقع انفجار في السيارة نتج عنه مقتل (4) أشخاص يُعتقد أن أحدهما على الأقل كان قائد السيارة ، واشتعال نيران في عدد من السيارات.
Damaged cars are seen after a car exploded near a Shi'ite mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam May 29, 2015. A car exploded near a Shi'ite mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam on Friday, killing two people, a witness said.The witness, identified only as Ahmed, told Reuters he was with his family near the mosque when "a quick explosion" happened. He did not know the cause of the blast.He said acquaintances at the mosque told him an attendant was killed along with a bomber when he tried to prevent him from reaching it. REUTERS/Ali Alhaji
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH Medical emergency responders remove the remains of the suicide bomber after a car exploded near the Shi'ite al-Anoud mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam May 29, 2015. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing that killed four people at the Shi'ite Muslim mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia on Friday, the second attack claimed by the Sunni militant group in a week in the world's top oil-exporting country. The Interior Ministry said a car exploded outside al-Anoud mosque in Dammam during noon prayers on Friday, while witnesses said a suicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up in the mosque's parking lot when guards stopped him from entering. The ministry said four people were killed in the blast, which set several cars ablaze.   REUTERS/Faisal Al Nasser TEMPLATE OUT
 May 29, 2015. A car exploded near a Shi'ite mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam on Friday, killing two people, a witness said.The witness, identified only as Ahmed, told Reuters he was with his family near the mosque when "a quick explosion" happened. He did not know the cause of the blast.He said acquaintances at the mosque told him an attendant was killed along with a bomber when he tried to prevent him from reaching it. REUTERS/Ali Alhaji

Policemen inspect a site where a car exploded near a Shi'ite mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam May 29, 2015. Islamic State claimed responsibility for a bombing that killed four people at a Shi'ite Muslim mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia on Friday, the second attack claimed by the Sunni militant group in a week in the world's top oil-exporting country. The Interior Ministry said a car exploded outside al-Anoud mosque in Dammam during noon prayers on Friday, while witnesses said a suicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up in the mosque's parking lot when guards stopped him from entering. REUTERS/ Faisal Alnasser       TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Policemen carry out an inspection after a car exploded near the Shi'ite al-Anoud mosque in Saudi Arabia's Dammam May 29, 2015. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the bombing that killed four people at the Shi'ite Muslim mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia on Friday, the second attack claimed by the Sunni militant group in a week in the world's top oil-exporting country. The Interior Ministry said a car exploded outside the mosque in Dammam during noon prayers on Friday, while witnesses said a suicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up in the mosque's parking lot when guards stopped him from entering. The ministry said four people were killed in the blast, which set several cars ablaze.    REUTERS/Faisal Alnasser
صور: شاهد حجم الأضرار الجسيمة التي أحدثها التفجير الإرهابي بجوار مسجد العنود
مزمز 2
Sat, 30 May 2015 08:14:49 GMT

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